5 Tips to keeping a travel journal
Tip One
Book or Blog?
Decide before your trip weather you want to write your travels in a book or on a blog. If you decided to join us in the 21st century then make sure you have enough time to create a blog. I know that there is something romantic about a pen and paper and if that's the way you want to go then run out and get yourself a heavy duty notebook. I am a book person. (Even though your reading this blog post haha) There is something wrong with my brain where i will not for the life of me remember anything unless its written down on paper with a pen. I don't know what it is, its a burden but its also a blessing. I have a good stack of notebooks filled with stories and photos which i love to look through. Though if you do choose to go online make sure you remember passwords and usernames and don't loose your laptop. Remember that a blog is also public so if you want to keep your stories a little bit private make sure you set it up that way. (I'm sure there is a button or setting which will help with that.) Its so easy these days to find an internet cafe and sit down and blog so hats off to you if you can do all that in a foreign country. I know i wouldn't be able to.
Tip Two
Don't pressure yourself.
Keeping a travel journal can be a challenge at times and for me when i tell myself to write every single day it becomes a chore and its no longer fun like it should be. Remember that traveling can be spontaneous and crazy and may often land us with limited time or space to sit down and focus on a journal entry every single day. Expecting this from yourself might just became disappointing and annoying to think about so remember don't pressure yourself, you don't have to write in it every day.
Tip Three
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Unless you plan on writing a novel about our day and describe everything you did in tiny detail like : Today i woke up and walked down the street and got coffee and then went out to the city blah blah blah... Yawn! Summarize what you want to say by recapping your day. Perhaps choose the best part of the day or record down every time you laughed or whenever something exiting happened. Also if you're like me and sometimes get writers block, no matter how hard you try to form a sentence or try and explain in words your day, don't stress if your pages end up blank. Words don't always have to tell a story. Save your bus tickets, movie stamps, photos, napkins anything and stick them to the page for those days when the words wont come out let the photos do the work. After all a picture speaks thousand words.
Tip Four
Use travel time to write.
In south america particularity we were always on the move. always someone to meet, something to see or somewhere to be. If we weren't physically moving we were either eating or sleeping. So i cant stress enough the difficulty of finding time to sit down and write in a journal or blog. Half the time whenever we got 5 mins we would rest our brains and our feet and often left the journaling to a couple days later if not giving up all together (like me). Throughout our trip we had 4 plane rides and about a gazillion bus trips through the country side which probably totaled a traveling time of 50 hours. That's 50 hours of writing or gluing or doodling or whatever it is you do in your travel journal.
Tip Five
The most important part about any traveling experience is getting lost. I got lost countless times in the busy city of Rio and let me tell you they make the best stories. But most importantly get lost in your writing. Get lost in the world your in right then in that very moment and be present. if you rush through things your going to regret it and it will one day all out of your head so quick, get it down on paper.
Hope this helped you out at all. Don't forget to share it with your friends on Pintrest and Google Plus :)
Kelsey Marcella